Past Project: Milk and Diapers Assistance (MADA)

Past Project:
Milk and Diapers Assistance


Thank you for your application! We appreciate you taking the time to apply for MADA to support your children in their journey of growth.

Due to overwhelming responses, the application for Milk & Diaper Assistance is now closed for 2021.

Do follow our Facebook (The SBL Vision Family Service Centre) and Instagram (@sblvisionfsc) for our next application date!

Milk and Diapers Assistance is here to empower families in meeting children’s developmental needs!

Application Period : Ended for 2021

Eligibility Criteria:

1) Residents of Tampines West and Tampines Central.

2) Per Capita Income of $800 or less. Total household income of $3000 or less.

3) Each application assistance is for a period of 6 months.

4) Applicant or a household member must attend a workshop/talk organised by The SBL Vision Family Service Centre for renewal of assistance.

5) Recipient of assistance must be children below 5 years old and are Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident.

For enquiries and application form, please email us at